- 3.0HD
简介:Following the death of his wife, a broken man spirals into an abyss of night tremors and depression and finds himself in the home of a deranged cannibal who convinces him to take his own life in the most horrific way imaginable.
- 1.0HD中字
- 5.0外星人制造僵尸战人类
- 4.0HD中字
简介:Out of the fifties 'B' Science-Fiction monster movies, this easily ranks as the best. It's most notable as the film that ALIEN is an unaccredited remake of, thus giving it a certain historical significance. The intriguing plot is about the rescue of the only marooned survivor (Col. Carruthers) of an ill-fated expedition to Mars. The authorities, pig-headed as usual, falsely assume that he murdered his fellow crew members, so that he'd have more provisions to survive; hence he is being brought back to Earth to face court-martial for murder. (There is also a somewhat interesting plot reversal here Most movies of this nature usually begin with the ship leaving Earth, enroute to its otherworld destination, while, in this case, the story is believed finished, and begins as the characters take-off from the other planet, returning to Earth). As the rescue ship is leaving Mars, a lurking, ominous shadow is seen in the lower compartment. (A frightening, atmospheric moment, accomplished through sheer economy and simplicity). Carruthers insists of his innocence to his fellow captors, claiming that his original crew mates were slaughtered by a hostile, unseen presence on the desolute red planet, but three-guesses as to their reaction to his unusual plea. Naturally, he can't prove it, and 50's space authorities were not very alien conscience at the time. (As a side-thought, unseen menace may remind you of that highly original BLAIR WITCH). As everyone sacks out, a hapless supporting charactor whose name is at the bottom of the casting list (guess what will happen to him) hears something in the lower compartment. Despite your futile don't go down there, you jerk! pleas, he does just that, and is appropriately killed (more like thoroughly obliterated) by the shadowy figure with insatiable blood lust on its mind. In the victim's case, dereliction of duty and sheer cowardliness would have been the wise decision. The scene is actually well-directed (for a change) and develops much suspense, as the entire film surprisingly does. The crew finally catches on that they have an unwanted ship crasher on board, and try every possible means at their disposal to eliminate it, but the unknown creature seems to copping an anti-death attitude. Proving to be an even more clever, worthy adversary, 'IT!' also hides out in the ventilation shafts of the ship (now that should ring a bell). Cahn's forceful direction generates considerable tension as the malevolent stowaway works its way up from one level of the confined ship to the next, eventually leaving the remaining characters trapped at the top. The movie's suspense is blunt and right to the point IT!' has to kill them or starve, hence they have to kill IT! or die. Nothing like those no two ways about it choices. Rent it, or check for it on cable if you wish to know the outcome. For a low-budget quickie, IT! is quite impressive and memorable. The dreaded sense of claustrophobic tension, rendering the characters' helpless entrapment, is highly effective. This is a production in which the limited budget and small sets actually work in favor of the plot's scary ambience. The black white photography (Yes, it's one of those!) helps to enhance its dark, creepy mood, and the sense of apprehension is quite high. (Modern day color freaks never seem to take that into consideration). The plot is also somewhat cynically ironic If the creature hadn't stowed away on the ship, Carruthers would have most likely been found guilty of the charges against him. The intelligent script (see what I mean about rareity) was penned by noted Science-Fiction author Jerome Bixby (remember Twilight Zone's It's a Good Life) The picture's taut editing eliminates any extraneous dross. (ALIEN tended to drag in its first hour with its sophomoric dialogue, and why did it have to include that stupid and ultimately counter-productive sub-plot of Ash being a robot, and further dragging the story down to another big bad conspiracy cliche UNNECESSARY!!!) Director Cahn astutely keeps the rubber-suited monster off-screen and in the shadows through-out most of the proceedings, keeping your paranoid imagination on constant alert. Unfortunately, perhaps at the studio's commercial insistance, it is a little over-revealed at the climax, but I haven't claimed this to be the perfect masterpiece. The performances, though nothing award-winning, are nevertheless cool enough so that one becomes sincerely concerned as to their fates. Not many movies in recent times ever come close to achieving that. They can be over-produced from here to eternity, and usually only succeed in being gloriously annoying. This film's story is not really totally original (what is), for it is based on A.E. Van Vogt's VOYAGE OF THE SPACE BEAGLE. All ALIEN fanatics should track down an old used copy to see where the initial influence came from. As long as you're not craving another CGI wind-ding, you may find it worthwhile. Just don't expect the women to be Ripley precursors. This was still the sock-knitting fifties, sad to say.
- 5.0HD中字
简介:建筑师John Baxter(唐纳德·萨瑟兰 Donald Sutherland 饰)与其妻子Laura(朱莉·克里斯蒂 Julie Christie 饰)育有一男一女。有一天,女儿莫名其妙地溺水身亡。Laura沉浸在悲痛中。John因为工作原因,带着Laura来到威尼斯,进行一个教堂的修缮工作。在那里,Laura认识了两个老妇人,里面有一个盲人,据说能通灵,能看见Baxter夫妇的女儿。Laura晕了过去,醒来之后却摆脱了女儿死亡的阴影。通灵的老妇人告诉Laura,如果John继续留在威尼斯的话,会有危险。Laura劝John赶紧离开,John却不相信所谓通灵,继续留在威尼斯进行工作。果不其然,John在工作中发生了意外,而他们在英国读书的儿子病倒了。Laura急忙搭飞机回国,而John却在威尼斯发现Laura跟那两个老妇人在一起。发生在威尼斯的这个故事变得越来越扑朔迷离......本片在Time Out 2011“史上最佳100部英国电影”中排名第一。
- 9.0HD中字
简介:威拉德是一个性格孤僻内向,不善与人沟通的小公司职员,家门外的生活对他来说只能是一团糟.反映迟钝,笨手笨脚,使他成为公司同事们的笑柄.尽管偶尔可以换来女士怜悯的眼光,但老板与同事们的嘲笑和排挤已将威拉德与社会愈推愈远.如此残酷的生活现实令威拉德更为珍惜自己唯一的'朋友'--两只智力过人分别名叫本和苏格拉底的老鼠. 或许几只小小的老鼠在常人眼中看起来只是一件不起眼甚至略带恶心的小事,但这却是威拉德唯一珍爱的寄托.因此,当威拉德挚爱'鼠友'苏格拉底惨死在公司同事的脚下时,痛失爱鼠心如刀割的威拉德与苏格拉底的遗孀本,便下定决心率领鼠军想平日的仇人发动一场终极审判.这一队无孔不入的复仇大军既有指挥又有决心,不但猫儿见到只能退避三舍,即使人类也同样只有束手无策.誓言血债血还,死窄死来还的威拉德鼠军,就次掀起了一场场腥风血雨. Michael Jackson于1963五岁时,在幼稚园中首次演唱Climb Every Mountain,随后在父母有心的促成下与四位兄长Jackie. Tito.Jermaine及Marlon共组了乐团,并在接下来的几年,随着年龄的增长,益发不断地展现出表演的技巧,褪去组团初期的稚嫩,无形中脱颖成为团中的灵魂人物.1969经由市长的赏识,引荐给Diana Ross,得以结实Motown的老板Berry Gordy,并且签约,随即全家迁居Los Angelous,同年年底首支单曲I want you back登上排行榜榜首,接连发行了ABC,The Love You Save,I'll be there等热门单曲.1972 Ben专集发行,(Ben)单曲成为冠军单曲. 来听听这首歌吧!!!!~~~~~~~
- 5.0HD中字
简介:When happy couple Jules and Josh buy their dream house on a magnificent estate, they recruit beautiful Morgan to help them with the interior design, unaware Morgan has history with the house and will stop at nothing to make it her own.
- 10.0HD
简介:《完美》是2018年奇幻电影节上最热门的电影。这是一部格调优雅、内容恐怖的悬疑片,剧情一波三折,让人出乎意料。苦恼的音乐神童夏绿蒂(艾莉森·威廉姆斯饰演)苦寻以前学校的新星学生伊丽莎白(洛根·布朗宁饰演),但重逢却使两位音乐家走上恶念邪路,酿成令人震惊的结局。 《完美》充斥着令人眼花缭乱的恐怖镜头和滑头式黑色幽默,导演是理查德·谢帕德(《斗牛士》《唐·海明威》《都市女孩》),编剧是埃里克·C·沙尔默洛、妮科尔·斯奈德和理查德·谢帕德。本片于 2019 年 5 月 24 日(星期五)在 Netflix 上面向全球上映。
- 5.0HD中字
- 8.0HD
简介:托马斯·科特([冷战])、阿西娜·斯特拉特([谎言大师])将主演惊悚片[完美敌人](A Perfect Enemy,暂译)。凯克·麦罗([伊娃])执导。影片改编自阿梅丽·诺冬的畅销书《敌人的伪装》(The Enemy’s Cosmetique),故事讲述事业有成的建筑师杰瑞米·奥古斯塔(托马斯饰)在机场遇到了非常健谈的特塞尔·泰斯特(阿西娜饰)。杰瑞米错过了自己的航班完全是因为特塞尔,特塞尔似乎极度需要被关注。尽管这次相遇看起来像是偶然的,但其本质逐渐变得罪恶起来。
- 10.0HD中字
- 1.0HD中字
- 3.0HD
简介:Tham旅行很久到Donsingtham小岛,为了见他的出家的哥哥Tee。 在Donsingtham的寺庙,他遇到了雕塑家Jate,他在巫蛊人偶上使用咒语。 Tham听到有传言说他的哥哥因为杀死了主持已经逃走了,但Tham不相信他的哥哥有能力杀人。 他还质疑村民对Singtham人偶的信仰。 他认为这是盲目的迷信,而不是精神保护。 然后,一系列恶性事件让村庄充满了恐怖。 一个女人失踪了,尸体堆积,最糟糕的是,Singtham人偶被摧毁了。 村民们愤怒了,沸腾了,准备了一种仪式来诅咒和追捕罪魁祸首
- 9.0HD中字
简介:改编自詹姆斯·M·凯恩的小說《Love's Lovely Counterfeit》,一个城市商人在爱上新当选市长的未婚妻时,卷入了有组织犯罪、腐败的城市政治和贪污。
- 7.0HD中字
- 8.0HD中字
简介:本片为1997年《我知道你去年夏天乾了什么》(I Know What You Did Last Summer)的续集,制作人采用原班人马。 本片延续了第一集的故事结尾,两年前茱莉(詹妮弗·洛夫·休伊特 Jennifer Love Hewitt 饰)和朋友们开车撞死了一个 路人后众人遭到“铁钩杀手”的报复。最后茱莉虽然得以生还,但这团阴影却始终笼罩着她。 两年后,茱莉的好友卡拉赢得了电台的猜奖,卡拉及其男友泰洛要请茱莉与同班同学维尔,四人一同前往巴哈马的塔湾岛度假。就在享受阳光沙滩的同时,一连串的离奇事件也在这个孤岛上展开,旅馆里的工作人员也不明原因的接二连三死亡。茱莉收到“I Still Know What You Did Last Summer”的警告,众人惊恐万分。难道是“铁钩杀手”死而复生?这一次凶手是谁?冷酷的杀手正在等待着他们……
- 5.0HD
- 5.0HD中字
- 6.0HD中字
简介:在遭遇了非人的虐待并亲手屠杀了那几名施暴者之后,女作家詹妮弗·希尔斯(卡米尔·基顿 Camille Keaton 饰)声名大振。她不仅没有遭到法律的制裁,而且将自己的经历写成书出版,并四处讲座,光彩耀人。而今詹妮弗虽然上了年纪,她依然没有低调行事的打算。与此同时,詹妮弗的女儿克里斯蒂(Jamie Bernadette 饰)业已长大成人,并成为知名的模特。某天,母女步出餐厅,偶遇两名粉丝要求签名留念。谁曾想,毫无戒备的母女二人竟被对方劫持。 原来,对方均是当年被詹妮弗杀掉的青年的家属,特别是领头人的妻子贝基(玛利亚·奥尔森 Maria Olsen 饰)对詹妮弗恨之入骨,她发誓要用最残酷的方式抱负躺在老公及其朋友尸骨上赚钱的詹妮弗……
- 4.0HD中字
简介:An English dowager's new secretary is drugged by her son and told she's his wife.
- 5.0HD
- 9.0HD
简介:佩里(伊万·麦克格雷格 Ewan McGregor 饰)是牛津大学的讲师,深受学生和同事们的尊敬。和女友盖尔(娜奥米·哈里斯 Naomie Harris 饰)一起,两人前往安提瓜岛,准备在那里度过一段浪漫而又自幼的悠长假期。在安提瓜岛,佩里结识了一位名叫迪马(斯特兰·斯卡斯加德 Stellan Skarsg?rd 饰)的男子,趣味相投的两人很快就结下了友谊。 实际上,迪马的真实身份是来自俄国的百万富翁,他参与了俄国犯罪组织的洗钱活动,是一名洗钱专家。然而,长久的浸淫在这样一个危险的行业里,迪马感到身心俱疲,他希望佩里能够帮助他向英国情报部门申请为他提供政治庇护。
- 5.0HD
- 7.0HD
- 10.0HD
简介:何丽珠(郑秀文饰)去加勒比海度假,遇上了一名相貌堂堂知书识礼的男子,虽然才相识7天,二人还是闪电结婚。然而好景不长,男子在潜水中不幸丧生,令何丽珠悲伤万分。 这段闪电的姻缘却没有让丽珠很快地忘掉丈夫。她沉浸在生活的阴影当中,久久不能自拔。一天她竟偶然发现,自己左眼可以见到鬼。 在此之后,丽珠遇见王劲威(刘青云饰)。他自称是丽珠的小学同学,曾经对她非常的倾心。丽珠开始时嫌他麻烦,然而和他相处过程中,却屡屡得到他的帮助劝慰,让她快点医好丈夫逝去的心病。在王劲威要去投胎之前,丽珠想让他找来丈夫,见上一面,然而王劲威没能找回来。 然而,丽珠却慢慢发现,自己的心愿其实并没落空,而且生活的希望也在一点点的回到她的心中。
- 2.0HD
简介:Genuine but increasingly insecure Pete is cautiously excited about reuniting with his college crew for a birthday weekend of memories, partying and earnest reconnection at a picturesque English manor.
- 7.0HD中字
简介:After their teenage son is killed in a car crash, Paul (Andrew Sensenig) and Anne (Barbara Crampton) move to the quiet New England countryside to try to start a new life for themselves. But the grieving couple unknowingly becomes the prey of a family of vengeful spirits that reside in their new home, and before long they discover that the seemingly peaceful town they've moved into is hiding a terrifyingly dark secret. Now they must find a way to overcome their sorrow and fight back against both the living and dead as the malicious ghosts threaten to pull their souls - and the soul of their lost son - into hell with them. Written by Dark Sky Films
- 2.0HD中字
简介:美丽高挑却境遇不佳的模特凯蒂(杰玛·达兰德 Jemma Dallender 饰)四处寻找工作的机会,她偶然与一家工作是取得联系,短暂交流之后便于次日登门。谁知才拍摄没几张,摄影师伊凡(Joe Absolom 饰)便提出无理要求,不愿出卖肉体和灵魂的凯蒂当即离开。本以为这段糟糕的经历已告一段落,结果第二天夜晚,伊凡唯唯诺诺的助手乔治(Yavor Baharov 饰)闯入她的公寓,对其进行了无情凌辱与虐待,并且残忍杀害了闻讯赶来的邻居杰森(Michael Dixon 饰)。事后,乔治求助伊凡和尼基(Aleksandar Aleksiev 饰),三人决定嫁祸凯蒂,隐瞒真相。 女孩的命运系在三个变态手中,在走投无路之际,唯有依靠自己的双手惩罚恶徒,逃出生天……
- 9.0HD中字
简介:When Hannah's parents took her to a new school, they said it was to give her a new start. However, Hannah is 11, autistic, and due to her condition, unable to speak. She had a twin called Angel, but when Angel died, Hannah was forbidden to grieve by her abusive parents and punished when she sought comfort from her sister's things. Now Hannah lives locked inside a silent life of despair, which she fears will soon end at the hands of her parents. However, when a knife keeps appearing under her pillow, and a voice that she thinks is inside her head won't leave her alone, Hannah begins to realise that just maybe, she may have an ally not of this world, but fear paralyses her. Could it be Angel, who from the 'other side' has come to seek justice for all the abuse she has suffered Can Hannah overcome her fear enough to let her in - Written by Jane Alexandra Foster
- 7.0HD中字