朱莉娅和莎拉(Belen Rueda 分饰)是一对孪生姐妹,这对美丽的姐妹花正当盛年时却罹患功能退化症。1年前,莎拉的双目完全失明,而朱莉娅的视力也在渐渐减退。某个晦暗之夜,莎拉上吊自杀。冥冥中自有感应,朱莉娅心中备感不安,次日她和丈夫艾萨克(Lluis Homar 饰)驱车赶往妹妹的住所,等待他们的恰是难以置信的噩耗。然而种种迹象表明,莎拉似乎并非自杀身亡,她生前的最后一段时光仿佛有一个神秘的男子作陪。 朱莉娅尝试着追寻这些蛛丝马迹,她的举止令艾萨克甚为焦躁不安,而种种恐慌也让她的视力加速衰退。在黑暗即将降临的时刻,朱莉娅也隐约感知到一个来去无踪的男子时刻逡巡在自己的身旁……
- 1.0泥瓦房
- 10.0哀悼岩
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- 8.0豹族1942悬疑,恐怖简介:When the naval construction designer Oliver Reed (Kent Smith) meets the Serbian Irena Dubrovna Reed (Simone Simon) in the zoo, he flirts with her and they sooner fall in love and marry each other. However, Irena is afraid of an ancient course of her town that women can not be touched by a man, otherwise she will transform in a panther, and the couple does not consummate their m...
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