- 5.0HD
简介:Youngsters living on the edge of the underworld in Bangkok. Their struggles and hopes, longing for pure love in harsh circumstances, are realistically captured in this remarkable debut film by Ekalak Klunson.
- 8.0HD中字
- 4.0HD中字
简介:吉拉迪作为泰国皇室贵族的千金,一直被养在深闺中,青春时只能与爱情无缘。母亲去世之后,父亲让她嫁给了一个家底丰厚的老侯爵。 婚后,吉拉迪与老侯爵去日本度假,老侯爵请了在日本留学的侄子诺鹏(Ken Kane Theeradeth Wonpuapan 饰)来做导游。在日本四处游玩期间,年轻的诺鹏被吉拉迪出众的气质深深吸引,萌生了一段难忘的姐弟恋。旅行结束后,吉拉迪返回泰国,而身在日本的诺鹏不忍相思之苦,写了很多封信给她,却只收到一封回信,吉拉迪只嘱咐他好好学习。后来,老侯爵患上了严重的肺结核,儿子们避之不及,只有吉拉迪默默侍奉左右。老侯爵因医治无效而死,吉拉迪也染上此病,但她一边坚持治疗一边坚持画画。七年后,诺鹏学成回国,三个月之后就结婚了。吉拉迪从此拒绝治疗,临终时她送给诺鹏一幅画,并留下一张纸条揭示了她隐瞒已久的心愿…… 《画中情思》是泰国著名的爱情电影,根据泰国作家席布拉帕的同名小说改编,拍摄成电影后广受好评。
- 2.0HD中字
简介:Pran Boon(或猎手彭)杀死了一只小老虎,因而解救了一个遭它袭击的小孩。可猎手彭全然不知,他杀死的那只小老虎只是当地众多老虎中的一只,另外还有很多老虎隐秘在周围。目睹小老虎被杀的老虎妈前往彭居住的村庄,准备为子报仇,它杀死了彭的妻子,弄伤了他的女儿。彭知道,只有老虎妈死了,他和女儿才能安全,于是他决定在中国移民猎手龙的帮助下,在森林里寻找老虎妈。当虎妈袭击村庄越演越烈时,一个突击队员被派往彭的村庄调查。与此同时,一个英国猎手,乔和他的捕猎队员一起正狩猎野生动物。各种危险的捕猎激烈展开着,所有的人都将面对与老虎的生死对决。
- 7.0HD中字
简介:当警察们面对一宗发展迅速的案件, 他们让一个年轻,独立而具备神秘力量的警察约法纳来负责此案。他与诱人的邓娜合作来搜捕残酷和致命的' 五枚子弹帮' 。他们老大是可怕的马萨, 他和约法纳一样,也是魔法高手。马萨只会被被猛虎魔剑击败, 那是一把充满自然力量, 和美善力量的上古魔法剑。在匪盗捣乱城市之前,约法纳必须找到猛虎魔剑, 把马萨绳之以法。最后他们两个决一死战,只有一个能生存下去
- 2.0HD中字
简介:2013年,泰国大选进入到最紧张的阶段,自由党主席丹迪•雷发表了振奋人心的演说,他承诺当选后停建祸国殃民的核电站,由此得到选民的支持,成功击败人民党,当选新一届的泰国总理。然而政客的承诺从来都不值钱,随着丹迪•雷的践祚,仅仅三年泰国上空便被阴云笼罩,罪恶贪婪如病毒般肆意蔓延到每一个角落,曼谷成为臭名昭著的国际化犯罪之都。在社会道德沦丧到无以复加的地步,一个人们心底期盼已久的英雄横空出世。他就是红鹰侠(阿南达·爱华灵咸 Ananda Everingham 饰),游走于法律之外,身怀绝技,嫉恶如仇,对待罪大恶极的腐坏分子绝不手软。与此同时,头号罪犯马杜里正率领手下进行一项罪不可赦的核武计划,红鹰侠的存在恰恰成为阻挡他计划实施的障碍。 百姓和政府的矛盾愈加激烈,为民请愿的红鹰侠冲在最前段……
- 8.0HD中字
简介:A strange case occurred in the village of Thung Mha, howling far away. As a result, the government decided to send a skilled police officer, Suchatorn Division, to investigate. Although not very willing with this trip Because the rumors that arose were related to ghosts But the Phatthalung division was obliged to agree to accept Because the superiors are superiors Submitting an ultimatum in this work, with the young man Bum Geum stalking the servants in the house of Mom Bang, who is a resident of that area. Volunteer to be a helper and guide Give to travel willingly Because wanting to go back to the young woman who once secretly loves Eh Eung A journey to find out the truth in a strange case that occurred at seven dogs in a small village. It looks quiet from the outside. But the atmosphere at night returned to be lonely, too scary to say And both meet with Luang Phi Kaew, a senior monk who secretly has many good things concealed within the 3 people Began to join forces to find out exactly what exactly happened here. By beginning by going to E-hung's house to inquire about various matters That occurred within the village. Including the rumors that people accuse Lee Woong of being ghouls, even though he deeply regrets that the person that Lee Woong has chosen to live with is Geum's childhood friend Bak, but the return Come to the field of howling dogs this time He secretly hoped to reconnect with the girl who secretly loved better. Because there is news that Bugs mid died in government service While investigating the truth about the case, Luang Phi Kheo, Moonsatorn and Bakkum are faced with many problems and obstacles, such as the influences of Ko village and their reliant on Tek Tek. With horror and news of ghouls that are constantly rampaging, probably have to come and see what Luang Phi Kaew will have to use to defeat ghosts And will the lieutenant and our assistant captain survive With all the problems and obstacles, such as the influences of Ko village and his reliant on Tek, along with the horror and news of ghouls that are constantly rampaging, they must Come to hope that Luang Phi Kaew will have something good to use to defeat ghosts And can the lieutenant and our assistant lieutenants survive
- 4.0HD中字
简介:The story of a young woman who is recovering from a mental condition after she is severely attacked. The mental illness caused her to fight anxiety. And some stories that even she could not distinguish The image of fear is true or she is afraid of his subconscious mind.